Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hilarious "bad dog" pictures

Since I am dealing with this also.... personal pictures to follow someday soon...
Links found on facebook, makes me laugh so hard I cry each time. It's the dog(s) and a note explaining what they do. Thanks to my friend, Mindy, who shares these. Makes me feel not as alone in our hour long clean ups. Or as bad about it
and, the mother load....

Dog Days: Day 4 Tanner's Temper and the Baby Gates

I had borrowed some baby gates from friends to try to keep Tanner on the tile to clean up any accidents. Because the doorways in this house are extra wide and because the kitchen is wide open to the living room, I had to prop the baby gates.
An hour later, this is what my husband came home to:

This is no bueno.  He didn't eat anything, just tore it up. Apparently all the baby gates were pushed over, and he peed on trash-clearly, he was pissed. So poor hubby had to clean it up and not go straight to sleep after working the graveyard shift. The dog also went upstairs to the loft couch and pulled the cushions off and tossed them onto the floor. This was an after through to the story with the picture. DH thought I might have been cleaning the couch. Nope...
In retrospect, what I should have done was put up some baby gates while we (I) was home to get him used to it.
I put those gates on hold for a few days, but still out in a prominent place. I opened the guest bedroom door downstairs, that has a baby gate now; he doesn't seem interested in that room. We have a baby gate and our laundry basket blocking the loft... another story.  I am going to try a few more again so he can get used to them. A big thank you to everyone who donated the use of the baby gates! I really appreciate it, and I'm sorry for keeping them so long. I thought a week, it is now probably a month later... ugh, this dog.
After a series of other outbursts and eliminating in the house I have decided he might have Separation Anxiety. And it will take some serious work to stop it. It's not like barking, which apparently is easier to combat. I have tried music/tv on, I tried walking him before leaving-which just threw off his poop schedule.
Speaking of the schedule, he doesn't eat unless one of us is around. So it's off anyway, weeks after this outburst. With his health issues, another story, his eating schedule was off anyway. We also slowly changed up his food for a better quality one and tried to add pumpkin to his dish to help hold his poo together a bit more. All vet approved. He has been on antibiotics, so that could have added to it. He was in a ton of pain, poor thing, so who knows which was possible separation anxiety and which was him feeling down or not being able to hold it in after an hour long walk... >:{
But, as the picture proves, he has a temper. I posted this to facebook and Des reminded me that he does panic. I ordered a bunch of Cesar Milan books from the library.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dog Days: Day 2 (Veteran's Day)

Day 2 brings Tanner a bit more calmness. He stays mostly in his crate but comes out and follows us around as we walk the house. Last night we tried to secure the crate but he whined and pawed at the crate door. I was already asleep by then. DH woke me up to ask what to do and I told him to just let him out. He stayed in his crate.
Both of us are off from work today, Veteran's Day. It was the perfect weather outside so we took our coffee out and sat at our patio table. To make sure the dog wasn't afraid of the pool after his dunking last night, I made sure he saw me walking the perimeter.
After a while, as we chatted I saw him walking around the pool. Score! No fear, at least not to walk around it. He even bent down to drink out of the pool.
We decided to skip the free meal or appetizer offered by many restaurants in honor of Veteran's Day. It is always so crowded, stressful. I was hoping to go out for lunch to beat some of the rush but we slept in and had a leisurely morning.
When Tanner walked between us as we sat I tried to pet his head up to a level position and softly pull his tail up. I saw it on The Dog Whisperer. He had tied the tail to the lead so both the head and tail were up, offering the dog forced confidence. Think a support to walk with a straight back, like a dancer. You feel taller, in charge, powerful. Works for dogs, too. DH noticed I was doing it, and then we happened to watch that exact show later that day. Funny how the universe works out.
An appointment was made for grooming at a local Petsmart. This way we could get him washed and see how he acts towards dogs. We had debated whether we wanted to put him into the car so the windows go down, or the truck which only has pop-out windows in the back cab.
We went out to lunch at a local Thai place and left the dog out of the crate as a trial. He was just fine.
dog in the truck day 2
We decided on the truck in case of an accident, its easier to clean. This time we decided not to use the crate and threw caution to the wind. Around the block and back if he couldn't take it. But he was just fine. We put a blanket down but he pulled it down and pawed at it when he turn in a circle, like nesting, to lay down. Every once in a while he would sit up and look out the window. No whining, no fuss.
We should have taken him for another walk just before the trip because he was even more nervous walking through the parking lot than he was in the house.
We encountered some dogs and he was great with them. Stopped shaking, smelled, circled, it was a huge positive. It got his mind off the grooming room until the dog left and then he started shaking again. DH was nervous leaving him. (awww)
I told the attendants that we had no idea how he would behave and if there was a problem to just stop and we will come get him. But they said he did just fine, nervous, but very well behaved. Excellent. What we did not know was that it was a 3 hour process. During the wait, we bought a lead (short leash) a few water bowls for outside and a new bed to fit in the cage. We grabbed some treats and a toy-on sale, too.
After that we walked over to Ross to check out the bathmats to go under Tanner's food and water bowl. We decided to just use one of the old towels we have at home. From there we went to Walmart to buy a car cell phone charger and scored a light-up leash we saw someone in our neighborhood use.
I had posted on a facebook page to see if I could borrow a few baby gates to try to let the dog walk around the kitchen near his food and water but not to access the carpet or furniture. So many mom's offered gates, it was wonderful. We headed west to the neighborhoods over there to pick them up. As it turned out, they all live in neighboring developments.
As we were headed that way we go the call to pick up the dog, of course. DH was instantly worried the place would close on him and we wouldn't get him back home, that he would be locked in. Ridiculous, he was just attached to the dog, it's so cute. I knew the last appointment was at 6 pm so if three hours were needed we had until 9 pm.
Tanner was shaking but just fine. Another good interaction with a dog and then we went home. Again the trip was fine. We went for a walk before turning in.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Dog Days: Day 1

Tanner day 1We have a dog!!!
My friend Des's sweet little boy has severe asthma and the dog was making it much, much worse. The doctor told her it was best to rehome the dog for the sake of his breathing and I saw her post his picture on a few facebook pages.
We had already planned to foster a rescue dog and figured now was a good time. I contacted her to let her know we were interested but to let him go to anyone who could get there before me. A few people interested couldn't take him and so he was still around. I wanted to make sure we were both meeting him at the same time and at his own house. I had talked with her before about him and she was very forthcoming with the pros and the cons of his personality. Great with kids and dogs, stays in the crate, only like soft toys. 
Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer, is a staple at this house so we knew we had to take him for a walk. Living on base, Des's house was the perfect location. As soon as we stepped onto the sidewalk kids went whizzing by, strange noises came from bikes or scooters, cars drove right next to us and through it all  he was unfazed. Great.
I made sure DH was there with me the first time I met the dog. He was rescued during a deployment so there was no way to know if his skittishness around males was from a past abuse or just confusion as to why a strange male was suddenly allowed in the house-or a combo of both. I wanted DH to be there to make sure the dog was ok with him. Any trouble and he was a no-go; he seemed perfectly fine.
He came with a plastic crate and we were told he sometimes had to be locked out of it so he would be around the family and not inside of it. None of our dogs growing up ever had a crate so it's my plan to get rid of that. We shall see.
The crate went into the truck and Des's DH picked up the dog and put him in; he apparently freaks out if not in the crate for car rides.
Getting him home was fine, he was quiet, and we couldn't tell much more because the crate is opaque.  To cement the relationship between dog and man, as we were told he follows Des around (and therefore probably me also), I had DH take him for a walk while I unpacked his stuff from the truck. It was at this time I managed to lose control of the full dog bowl and toss it all over the inside of the truck and out on to the driveway. What a mess. At least it was dry. The dog did not want to walk without me (aw!) but he did just fine.
In the house he checked out the lower level. We kept the leash on him just in case, an idea from the Dog Whisperer. Using the leash we were able to convince Tanner to go upstairs and check out the rooms up there but he headed right back down stairs, where we unhooked the leash. I knew to limit him because nervous dogs can be overwhelmed with so much space.
He spent most of the time in the crate. By the time we got him home it was dark out and we thought nothing of letting him out into the backyard. On base they have a good space of grass or rock. Here was have three steps and then a pool. He went right out the door and into the pool on the wading deck, up to his ears. Poor thing, it was cold out.
I yelled into the house for DH, who was upstairs, to bring towels. I dried off the dog with lots of rubbing but managed to miss his neck which became obvious when inside, the dog kept putting his head on my lap, wetting my pants.
He is inquisitive but so skittish. I did notice Tanner searched for DH when went out to pull the truck into the garage. Definitely a good sign.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Vegas!- The Show

Vegas!- The Show

VEGAS! the Show
This is a must-see! The entire show was phenomenal from start to finish. It opens up with a maintenance guy working at the Neon Museum- another must see here in Vegas, and since we have been there, we already had a personal link to this show. This show had something or someone on all levels of the builds and across the stage. Colors popped, a real band (more of an orchestra, really) was all over the sets as well. Sometimes they were on the stage, sometimes in a window cut-out, sometimes way up on a rooftop. The variety was amazing. The wide walkway was even utilized to bring some of the dancers and singers out into the crowd, engaging everyone. To see what I mean, check out
There was the Rat Pack, the famous Vegas Showgirls (family show? It is Vegas, baby. Or was, which is the point of this show!), Sony and Cher, Elton John, the list goes on.  And being a local, and an archaeologist, some of the history tossed in here or there may have fallen on the visitors’ ears as, oh, that’s neat, and forgotten.  But I had been to some of those places, heard the history from locals, seen the old newspaper clippings. This was a great addition to the entertainment, and of course, the reason behind the who, the what, the where, and the when, including the story of segregation in the world of performance.
A few of the Variety acts were also in Vegas! The roller skating duo, the tap dancing brothers; all amazing and totally worth being a part of both shows. This was great. If a family can only hit up one show while in town, Vegas! it is.
This show was over the top and then some. The stage seemed to expand exponentially to fit the musicians and the dancers and the singers and the costume changes- cute effect with the brides, I laughed out loud. As a matter of fact, my face hurt from a full night of enjoyable entertainment. This is an excellent show and we have recommended it, just as with Variety, to everyone since.
This also had a long line to get in with general admission, a photo op, and a meet n’ greet at the end. The line was pretty fast moving but finding seating for groups was hard; the employees were running around trying to accommodate. They deserve a hearty, Thank You, you are all amazing, from management-if not more, but let’s be honest here, sometimes getting that is amazing. Being just two of us we were able to get quick seats along with wide walkway. This was maybe not so hot, we felt like missed much of the fancy foot work floor show, although we did see the feet on the tap dancers… But we will definitely be back!  And standing in line from the get-go to get the best view.
Who knows, maybe having a head in the way would have cut out more of the show. Actually, our seats allowed us the see the whole stage, at all levels, including an upfront and personal interaction from one of the dancers on the walkabout, so maybe this was a blessing in disguise. The final WOW was that as we filed out, one of the singer/dancers was walking right behind me! I told him it was a great show and we chitchatted on the way down the steps to the meet and greet section. How cool is that! We will definitely be back to Vegas!
(image from website)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The delay in posts

Sorry for the delay in posts. The last week I was able to post I had 5 to post and I was counting the days until a week had gone by. 

And then my computer updated and my Microsoft office locked up. With the new house (another blog to come!) and all that jazz I didn't get around to buying a new version and all my documents were locked, no way to open them at home.
 And wouldn't you know, I couldn't figure out why the laptops were not showing up on our home network so I couldn't work remotely.

If it is not one thing, it's another.

But we are back up and running. The house is almost set and I have access to all of my documents.

I had hoped to write about the repairs we have had to do to this house but I always forgot to get a picture of it during the chaos. I will have to look through and see if we have any in the background of another.

Anyway, there you have it. Murphy's Law. I had about 10 additional options to post and couldn't copy/paste them into here.

So be on the lookout. I am now on a shift work schedule so it might take a bit longer until I get used to it and where my down time fits in.

Happy reading!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

V-The Ultimate Variety Show

V - The Ultimate Variety Show

V-The Ultimate Variety Show

The intro to this story will be shared in another blog post. Suffice it to say here, my connection, was able to get us comp tickets to the following shows. I am forever grateful for his offer and fitting around the schedule of my family. Here is the review of one show, to be followed with the other, and this same introduction.  

We did a double-feature: V-The Ultimate Variety Show first and then ran to catch Vegas! The Show. The theater for Vegas! was much larger than for Variety. Unfortunately, we had to step out to grab a quick bite (we both ran to the Strip after work and tried to find our way to the theaters after securing parking and crowd surfing across the street, flowing between vehicles stopped on a crosswalk, getting our tickets and then getting right in line at the other theater). This put us about halfway through the line to get in. This was not so hot, as all the seats were sold out, and we missed most of the fancy foot work floor show, just desserts is what we get for stopping off. So get in line early and wait, it is so worth it. As it turns out, our location put us in the perfect spot to talk to the cast! Not so bad, after all.

 But we will definitely be back!  And standing in line from the get go to get the best view.

On with the show!

The shows were both amazing! Absolutely amazing. Variety was hilarious and awe-inspiring. Vegas! was just over the top and perfectly a little bit of everything from old to new. Here is the review I sent, I hope it inspires you to see the shows also!

V The Ultimate Variety Show

This was a wonderful show in an intimate theater setting. We sat General Admission and were in the last row just before the sound and light booth but the view was spectacular given the size of the theater. We saw everything and could see each dancer and performer across the stage.

Wally Eastwood was a wonder to behold at juggling. He was the MC introducing each act and did his juggling gig in between. He had the entire crowd cheering “Faster, Wally, Faster,” and his skill was evident as the pins whirled and blurred from view. The funny anecdotes about his family kept the crowd laughing and his skill with the hats and the synthesizer had everyone in awe. The best was his completely believable chipper attitude throughout the show, culminating in the joke about having to be that happy two show a night for so many odd years. The crowd was rolling.

The show opened with an amazing hula-hoop act. The beatbox group, MO5AIC, was truly amazing. They did a variety of songs and medleys. The Skating Aratas is what I wanted to see from the get-go. They were phenomenal. I was so nervous they were going to skate right off the tiny platform. But just like figure skaters on ice, they seemed to be flawless. Sean and John, the tap dancing brothers, were so entertaining. The choreography brought me back to my childhood hearing stories of my father tap dancing, when it was the “in” thing to do. The surprising thing about the brothers dancing was that it just kept going. It wasn’t a short stint and done. It was all over the stage, all kinds of moves: sometimes just feet, sometimes with arms, sometimes whole body movements. They had parts together, pauses to showcase one then the other, or what seemed like different foot work that then came together.  

The First Lady of Magic had my full attention. Her story about her life touched me, being a woman, a wife, and trying to balance family and a career. It was so nice to hear a real life story about someone living in Vegas and what it means to be in show business, any business really, and how it doesn't always fit with family life. Now that I am a local, her story seemed more like reality than just something made up to tell the crowd. Having watched plenty of behind-the-magic shows I tried to find the secrets in hers, to see where they wanted our eyes to go and look elsewhere. But I didn't see any of it coming; the whole show was a total surprise. The best part was the box of swords. One dancer was in, then it was Melinda in her blue cape and blond long hair- but no! Once the sheets came down it was one of the male dancers, pulling off the wig and cape as he stepped out of the box! Amazing.

Crowd pleasing and nervous at the same time were the balancing duo, Aerial Expressions?. These guys had a great floor act on stage but then they were swinging out over the crowd! Everyone was turning in their seats to get a better view. They seemed to swing up so close to the stage ceiling and then so low the crowd got nervous, however those on the wings could see there was no danger at all. This was my husband’s favorite part. Amazing, astonishing, remarkable, and incredible.

I had read up on some comments available on the various travel and general review websites. The negatives were just that, negative, and even in some there was something great that they felt they had to share. Negatives included the price of a drink or lacking strength of the alcohol. Its Vegas, baby, you are going to pay for quality, deal with it.  One thing not lacking in quality was this show. Many commenters said kids from ages 6 to teens found a part of this show that was good- now that says something. A variety show is just that, a variety. There is something for everyone, so of course not everyone is going to be pleased with everything-some commenters even liked the show better than the Cirque shows. Woot woot! But we are both so glad we went and saw this show. 

We have both recommended it to anyone looking for options, especially family-friendly ones. One downside was the long lines for general admission, but it’s a price saver for sure. They take pictures of your family and have them available for purchase, at a pretty good price considering its Las Vegas (and yes, I do keep track-though we never buy them I might start since it is hard enough to get both of us in a picture at the same time). The coolest thing is that some of the performers are available after the show as a meet and greet and photo op. A great way to recap a great show. 

For pictures of the acts, theater location, and to purchase tickets visit

Monday, July 22, 2013

Cozy Couch Movie Reviews: Brave


This movie had amazing scenery. It seemed like I had stepped into Scotland. The animators did a beautify job. And we both laughed out loud throughout the movie.

The world was introduced fairly quickly and the main characters were all strong. The parents were believable, I didn’t realize our main character, Merida, was a teen. DH and I debated the second time around while watching the extras, whether or not she looked like a teen.

I am a firm believer in watching extras. I love watching the evolution of movies or the explanation of edits. Everything is so much more clear. I liked the idea of the first born sons trying for marriage to the princess. Historically, it should have been the fathers but its not such a good kids movie if you have Gramps moving in on your girl.

I could see how general reviews decided the movie was weak. It was intellectual, emotional on a guilt level. I think the chicks in How To Train Your Dragon were stronger. But then again, we are dealing with girl to teen to wife to mother pressure. That is hard to express.  We are introduced to the setting , the characters, and then at dinner, bam! the girl has to get married. What?! Where did that come from? She is clearly confused and angry.

Apparently the parents had been in discussion about this and sent out invitations, the mother had been teaching and rearing her for just this thing. But, interestingly for the movie and probably not the case in real life, the princess has no idea why. I chock this up to parents’ lack of communicating, classic fairytale plot line. We do see how nagging the mom is from the teen’s point of view. But never once do we hear, “you must learn this for when you are married and living off in some foreign land, never to see us again.” That would be too obvious, and kill the beautiful and funny mother-daughter dynamic.

At some point they have an out and out fight. Merida picks up a sword and slashes the tapestry her mother has been working on and in retaliation the mother takes Merida’s bow-which females, especially princess, shouldn’t have anyway- and throws it in the fire. Now that something of the teen’s is ruined, she is mad and flies out of the room. The mother immediately takes the bow out of the fire and is heartbroken that the situation has come to this ruination of the symbols of each other.

Early on, we are introduced to a story which eventually comes to fruition. A Camelot-like kingdom will be divided among the heirs when the king dies. The oldest is put off because tradition dictates it should all be his. He seeks out a witch to make him stronger than 10 men, etc. He changes into a bear, a furious beast. And kills most of his people, the rest flee.

This heroine’s story continues when Merida does not want to marry anyone. Despite her best efforts and, truly, ingenious thinking (you go girl!), it is obvious she has to pick one to live with. There is a hint during a wonderfully orchestrated discussion between the mother and father and Merida and her horse, where they mother and daughter are separately trying to converse with each other, role playing, where we learn the mother did not want to marry the father at first. This point is made clear by the father’s comical What? face. If only these two could have actually conversed!  But that is not how real life is, despite our best efforts. And it makes for poor fairytale telling.

In an angry mad dash, the princess sees the Will O’ The Wisps (swamp gas, for the scientific) who lead her to the witch’s home. The witch is hilarious! The animators did a great job reinventing the idea (watch the extras!). And the witch's house is full of wood cuttings of bears, interesting. There Merida asks to change her mother so she won’t try to force the marriage. She is given a cake to feed to mother.

The mother is changed into a bear and she has to battle the full change of becoming wild while fighting to keep her human mind. The young triplets come together to help Merida first get her bear mother out of the “castle” and then back into it, while having the men and their “armies” running willy nilly after “the bear,” what they believe to be a ferocious beast from centuries back. We have see this terrible bear when it almost eats the babe princess in the movie intro.

But, as with most things in life, there is a caveat. The witch has built in an escape clause: you choose your fate, so you can also change its course.  As the story unfolds, the mean spirit in the prince keeps himself in a bear, Mordu (I liked the use of the local language, supposedly. I didn't check independently), rather than heal the wound he created.  Merida and her mother are brought by the Will O’ The Wisps to the ruined castle and see the damaged carving of the brothers. There we learn that he did not try to fix the riff. It is then clear that Merida must fix the tapestry she sliced.

They head back to the castle and then the chasing of the mother-bear mentioned above ensues.  Fast forward, the clans are warring because of the insult Merida has shown by not picking one of the heirs.  Merida gives a pacifying speech with the help of her bear mother’s miming, that says the mother wants her to be happy and merry for love and that the clan sons should also. It is then agreed and everyone is pacified. Then another run of the bear ensues ending in the triplets eating some of the witch’s cake. Three more bears appear and there is more craziness.

Eventually the bear-mother is captured by the clansman but Merida risks her life (wasn’t particularly dangerous) but its clear she is trying to get these men to believe the bear is her mother and not the beast they have hunted for decades. Merida throws the sewn tapestry over her mother but she does not change in the light of the rising sun. We see the princess crying and hugging her mother explaining how sorry she is, etc. The mother becomes human and lavishes kisses on the princess’s face, all is forgiven. Clearly it wasn’t the tapestry that needed to be mended, it was their relationship.

It could have used a bit more drag out arguments between mother and daughter, really build it up so it makes the scene more poignant.  They should have tried to get her skill with the bow into one of the danger scenes and not just the marriage trial. That might have won more people over. Would have proved the importance of the bow as a focal point.

While the movie was funny, beautiful to look at, and the characters individual, believable, and stand alone, the important scenes did not seem as important. Maybe they needed more telling instrumentals or hints through dialogue. For example, there is a scene where Merida is trying to get mother-bear to catch and eat raw fish. It is a wonderful bonding experience until we realize the wild bear is taking over and pushing the human mother out. Shocking, and good, but it would have been nice to hear something to the effect of, it’s nice to laugh with you….to balance the nagging, teacher-mother of the opening scenes. The spunk that  drew us to Merida in the beginning seemed to be entirely missing from the trapped bear scene. The  fight of the mother bear and Mordu was pretty good, the danger building, but, of course, the mother instinct won out.

Finally, I really hoped that Merida would have been a stronger character. The build up with the bow and how great her talent is was missing from the end. Sure, her bow was destroyed, but she could have easily stolen someone else’s  and proven herself after some great dialogue to set all the warrior men quiet.  Why don't we have more stories with strong female characters? Little by little we will, Brave, with Merida's active personality is much better than the original Disney's Snow White,  who is there portrayed as a victim, run away, run away! Saved only by the kindness of men. For the real story, I suggest you look up the tales from various countries, not France. It is well known our current fairy tales were retooled and retold to pleasure the French Court, 1700 maybe?

Oh well. It was still laugh out loud funny. And the extras on the DVD were great.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Deployment Coffee

Guest Blog: Deployment Coffee

 Posted by Guest Blogger on April 4, 2013 at 16:00

(picture published on article page of Blog Brigade)
My publishing credit: credited as “Guest Blogger” “Christina”
Published by Blog Brigade of Military OneSource on 
April 4, 2013 , in Deployment 

Blogger Biography: Christina is a proud war bride, military 
“dependent,” writer and volunteer. She met her husband 
while working two jobs to pay her student loans and stay afloat. 
He stuck with her despite the long and crazy hours away from 
each other and so began her experience with the military. 
Scrapping the wedding for a long and dangerous deployment, 
she fully embraced being a military spouse. Christina reaches 
out to all available networks to learn and take advantage of 
what the military has to offer its family. Learning the ropes is
 tough, but she knows she has help.

There is always one thing I consistently do when my husband deploys 
or goes TDY. I would like to say it’s get a massage or a facial,
 but I just never find the time or budget for those things.

What does fit in my budget and what I can sneak a few moments for 
is coffee. Forever ago, I found one specific flavor from a specific 
brand that I just could not get enough of. For years I could only 
find it during the holidays and then it was gone! I refused to open 
the last package for everyday use. Coffee is coffee to my husband.
 (His fishing or car stuff is another matter entirely.) For me, this 
coffee is like his special stuff. He just laughs at me when I try to
 explain it.

It’s even more special because when I finally found it he was 
deployed. I would come home to a dark, cold house and turn on 
the coffee pot for just a cup or two. That gave me enough time
to change out of my work clothes or uniform and into yoga pants,
a sweatshirt and some fuzzy socks. I would turn up the heat and
get dinner started. If it was just me, I enjoyed the coffee while
cooking. If the house was abuzz with activity, I saved it for when 
beds were tucked and guests had taken their leave. I would settle 
on the couch and listen to some music or just collapse into the 
nearest chair for a few minutes of peace.

I would indulge in the smell of the coffee as it wafted up from 
the cup in white curls, savoring each taste as it rolled over my 
tongue, absorbing the warmth of the cup in both hands before 
returning to life, laundry, cleaning, bills or returning missed 
phone calls. When I found it, I couldn't help but send a happy
 little email to my husband. After that, every time we talked 
or emailed until he came home, he would ask if I had my special 
coffee as a clue to how my day went.

Now it’s one of our little jokes. Since I can get it fairly 
regularly, I only buy a few boxes, which stay hidden in the 
pantry waiting for the next deployment or TDY. And they only 
come out then. Once he even came back with two special mugs 
for my “Deployment Coffee.”

What is the special thing you do for yourself during a deployment
or TDY?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cozy Couch Show Review: American Wiseass

History Channel. Comedic stand-up. What?

This is the best history lesson ev-er. Laugh out loud funny for the whole hour. I caught the last half of it from Andrew Jackson on.

Michael Loftus used slide projection, music videos, hilarious accents, and perfect punch lines. The punch lines are really hilarious and then bam-history lesson, yeah! IN YOUR FACE WITH KNOWLEDGE.

I really was laughing out loud. I was shocked when they interjected the music video to explain Jackson’s alliance with the pirates and freed slaves. A movie snippet with song and dance in a stand-up? On the History Channel? I didn't see it coming, but funny nonetheless. And historically accurate, the gist of it was, even if pirates didn't really look like Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. It did the job! 

Fast forward to the Nazis losing the Olympics which leads to their only hope in the Arc of the Covenant. Enter Indiana Jones… "I’m going to make this up, they said I could make some of it up, as well…” - HA, 

Follow this with a cartoon based on the roadrunner skit. Don't think this was part of the history lesson, but entertaining.

Is it “politically correct,” as in using the acceptable terms? Not at all, but all in good, educational fun. And it was on at 7 pm, so it has to be somewhat family-friendly.

The best part, other than the comedy, is that the jokes really are based on history, so you will learn or remember simply by virtue of the comedy. 

I posted about it on my facebook page and got quite a few responses of others who had found it as well. All said it was laugh out loud funny. 

History on the History Channel, yes, please! I really hope there will be more of this kind of thing. 

American Wiseass on History Channel. Michael Loftus

Hope you can catch it!